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Local presence

Global understanding


In Arktisk Geotek AS we take pride in our ability to deliver top class services to our customers.

Although we are capable to provide a wide array of services, we primary specialize in geological consulting and nature management.


As a customer, you should be able to trust us to deliver on your needs. We know that our knowledge and skills can only be measured by our former results and deliveries.

If you press the button below you will be given a brief description of our former projects.



In this section you will get to learn more of our former and current customers.

We are proud of our own accomplishments so far, but we are proudest when our customers achieve great things and especially when they are satisfied with our contributions to their projects.


About us

Arktisk Geotek was established on January 6, 2017, as a shared liability company. The founders are Joakim André Olsen and Hermann Olaussen Hermansen. On May 28, 2018, the company was transformed into a limited liability company.


Arktisk Geotek was founded in the municipality of Kvænangen in Northern Norway, with head office in the neighbouring municipality of Nordreisa, located in the building “Halti” at Storslett. Our vision is “local presence, global understanding”.

Contact us

Hovedveien 2, 


Tel: +47 911 18 399

+ 47 481 86 267

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